George Washington
A Novel

Selected as:
A Fall Read by the St. Paul Pioneer Press
A Literati by the Landmark Center
A Finalist for Historical Fiction by the Next Generation Indie Book Awards
Becoming George Washington tells the largely unknown story of how an insecure, fatherless boy rises to become our indispensable founding father. A far cry from the powdered haired general or president discussed in most Washington biographies, this book reveals young Washington as an “action hero” at the epicenter of the French & Indian War. Becoming George Washington follows Washington through repeated harrowing battles as well as his success–and failure–leading an army in the field. The book also explores George’s complex relationships with his difficult mother and caring brothers.
Notably, the book contains an affair between George and Sally Fairfax. While highly controversial, the liaison is supported by documentation, including letters written by George.
Becoming George Washington includes detailed author’s notes providing sources and commentary on events so the reader may know and understand the real story.
Excerpts & Additonal REading
About the Book Cover
The painting on the book cover is Daniel Huntington’s “George Washington and Christopher Gist Crossing the Allegheny River,” c. 1840, is part of “An American Odyssey: The Warner Collection of American Painting.” All rights to reproduction of the work of art identified herein is retained by the Owners, Jonathan W. Warner and Susan G.A. Warner.
This link is to a wonderful video showing the Warners’ amazing collection. They were kind enough to permit me to use one of their fantastic paintings on my cover.